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CREST offers support to residents for solar plant installation in Chandigarh

In response to the recent directives from the State-Level Coordination Committee (SLCC) chaired by UT adviser Rajeev Verma, Chandigarh Renewable Energy and Science and Technologies Promotion Society (CREST) has offered dedicated support to residents who have received notices from the Estate Office regarding mandatory installation of solar power plants.
Previously in 2016, the UT administration had mandated that residential properties with plots of 500 square yards or more will have to install solar power systems to comply with the Building Bylaws. In accordance with the mandate, numerous residents have already installed solar power projects. But residents who have not complied have been served notices by the Estate Office.
“We recognise that this sudden requirement may pose challenges and our goal is to make the process as seamless as possible for all affected residents. Our team is available to answer questions, provide advice and ensure that every resident can meet the mandate effectively,” said a CREST official.
Thus, for support or more information, residents can contact CREST in person at Paryavaran Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Sector 19-B, Chandigarh. They can also reach CREST via phone at 0172-277-1919 and email at [email protected].
